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(Version 1.0)

Updated over 4 months ago

What is a Receipt?

A Receipt feature allows the creation of a customizable receipt layout in the OrderGrid app on the Client Company. This receipt layout then can be assigned to the Open API Stores. Once configured, any orders fulfilled for the Open API stores can print order receipts that consist of order information and order total on the Warehouse Company.

To access the receipts page, navigate to

☰ > Sales > Receipts

Creating a Receipt Layout

To create a new receipt layout follow the steps:

  1. On the Receipts page, click the + New Receipt button.

  2. Complete the following fields in Receipt Properties:

    • Name: Enter the name for the receipt layout.

    • Status: Choose between Active or Inactive.

    • Receipt Layout Template: Select the Default template layout.

    • Default: Choose Y to make this the default receipt or N if not.

    • Replace Tax Text: Toggle this on to customize the tax text.

    • Add Header and Footer text.

  3. Add header and footer images by uploading files, and clicking Upload to confirm image selections.

    • Only .png or .jpg formats are supported for the image file.

    • The max file size can be 100KB and the max resolution can be 500x500 pixels.

  4. Once all information is entered, click Save to complete the Receipt Layout.

You can create as many receipt layouts as you need on the Receipts page.

Manage Receipts

Assing the Receipt to a Store

Once the receipt layout is created you can add it to the Open API store, by following the steps:

  1. Navigate to ☰ > Sales > Stores page.

  2. Edit the Store by clicking Actions ⋮ > Edit

  3. Click on the Receipt drop-down and select the receipt layout you would like to use.

  4. Click Update.

Editing or Deactivating a Receipt

  1. Locate the receipt you wish to modify in Sales > Receipts.

  2. Click on the Actions ⋮ and select:

    • Edit: to make adjustments to any fields within Receipt Properties.

    • Deactivate: to set the receipt status to inactive, removing it from use without deleting it.

Deleting a Receipt

  1. To permanently remove a receipt, click the Actions ⋮ on the receipt you wish to delete.

  2. Select Delete and confirm in the prompt.

⚠️ Note:

You can not deactivate or delete a receipt layout that is currently being used in a store.

🎉 Congratulations on setting up the Receipts!

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