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version 1.0

Updated over 3 months ago

What is an Order?

In the OrderGrid application, an order is commonly referred to as a Sales Order. This order can be created directly within the system, imported from Shopify, or received via the Open API.

To access the Orders page, navigate to

☰ > Sales > Orders

Orders Page

The Orders page in OrderGrid provides a comprehensive view of all sales orders, displaying their current statuses and offering options to create sales orders and transfer orders, import Shopify orders, upload bulk manual orders, edit, void orders, and flag or unflag the orders.

To streamline your view, use various filters, including Status, Date Range, Warehouse, Store, and Priority to narrow down the order list. You can also search for specific orders using Order IDs, Customer Names, or Email Addresses. To refresh the Orders page, simply click the Refresh Icon (↻).

Order Statuses




The order is entered into the system and undergoes various validation checks to ensure the accuracy of the information, such as customer name, email address, and shipping address format, and to verify if the items in the order are in stock.

Awaiting Release

The order is a scheduled order and is awaiting release.


The order has encountered an issue, preventing it from being fulfilled by the warehouse.


The order has successfully passed validation or any issues have been resolved. It is now in processing status, and awaiting fulfillment by the warehouse.


The warehouse is currently picking the order.


The warehouse has completed picking the order and waiting to be packed.


The warehouse is currently packing the order.


The order has been packed by the warehouse.


The order has been Shipped.


The order has been cancelled by the customer.


The order has been voided.


The order is locked while line items are being changed.

Order Actions

View an Order

To view an order, navigate to the orders page and simply click on the Order line on the page, or click Actions ⋮ > View.

Edit an Order

To edit an order, on the orders page, view an order, and click the Edit button. You can also click Actions ⋮ > Edit on the order line.

Editable Sections on the order edit page:

  • Destination: Modify Email, Contact Name, Company, Address, City, Postal Code, Phone, and Notes.

  • Line Items: Choose specific items to fulfill if partial fulfillment is needed.

    • For Manual Orders Only:

      • Repair line item: This action will re-create the line items based on the product mapping.

      • Change line items: This action will send the order to Locked status temporarily, allowing the removal or addition of line items. After making changes click Update to send the order back to Queued status.

  • Attachments: click + Attachment to attach files on the order.

    • File Input 📎 : Click the file input field to open the file selection window on your system, and select the file. [max file size 4 MB, file types accepted doc, docx, pdf, jpg]

    • Utilize the attachment: on the "Print and Pack?" drop-down, select the Reference only to attach the file for a reference, or select Print and Pack to have the attachment printed during the pack.

    • Delete: Click the Delete icon to remove the attachments.

⚠️ Note: Line items can’t be adjusted once picking begins.

Accept Partials

The order can be edited to allow partial fulfillment. To allow this or select the items to be fulfilled, navigate to the order and edit the order. On the Accept Partials dropdown, select the below options.

  • ACCEPT: Update an order to allow being partially fulfilled if there's not enough qty or items in the inventory to fulfill the complete order. When allowing partials is ACCEPT, the warehouse will be only able to pick the items that have the Fulfill item toggle ON, on the Line items tab.

    • Once, you have adjusted to allow partials, click Save and then UNFlag to send the order back into processing for order fulfillment.,

  • NO PARTIALS: When this option is selected, the order can't be fulfilled until all the line items and the quantities are available in the inventory and can be picked for the order.

Accept partials can be used when the order goes into conflict due to inventory issues. Please check out the Order Conflict Issues page for more details.

Void an Order

On the orders page, an order can be voided by following the steps:

  • View the order > Click Void > Click Confirm

  • Click Actions Actions ⋮ > Void Order > Click Confirm

⚠️ Note:

  • Once an order is voided, it cannot be recovered.

  • You can only void the order, while it is in Queued, Processing or Conflict statuses.

Additional Order Actions

Within the order view page, several options allow for in-depth management:

  • Complete: Once the order is partially fulfilled, it can remain in the Conflict status because the unfulfilled items still need to be picked on the order. In this case, the remaining line items would be committed to the inventory or can be picked once the items are available for order fulfillment.
    If you do not want to process the remaining unfulfilled items, you can click the Complete button on the order page, and the order will be marked Partially fulfilled and unfulfilled line items will not be committed to the inventory.

  • Flag: Orders can be manually flagged by clicking the Flag button on the order page. This action will send the order into Conflict status, and won't be unflagged until it is manually Unflag on the order page.

Prioritize an Order

By prioritizing an order, the system marks it as high-priority, moving it to the top of the order queue in the warehouse's orders list. To prioritize the order follow the steps 🪜:

  1. On the Order line, click Actions ⋮ > Prioritize from the drop-down menu.
    Open the Order > Toggle ON the Prioritize option.

  2. You will see a confirmation message at the top of the screen that says, "Order Prioritized."

In the warehouse, this prioritized order will now appear at the top of the Warehouse > Orders > Pick section, highlighted in orange. This signals to the warehouse team that this order should be processed first.

Order can be deprioritized by clicking Actions ⋮ > Unprioritze or Open the Order > Toggle OFF the Prioritize option.

🎉 Congratulations! You’ve mastered editing, voiding and prioritizing the orders in OrderGrid!

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