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(Version 1.0)

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What are Strategies?

The Strategies module in OrderGrid allows users to configure the replenishment strategies for specific items across warehouses. These strategies help create actionable recommendations to generate purchase orders(POs) by defining either Min-Max thresholds or utilizing a Demand-Driven approach based on uploaded forecasts data.

To access the strategies page, navigate to:

☰ > Replenishment > Strategies

Replenishment Strategies


How it works


The Min-Max strategy is suitable for items with unpredictable or sporadic demand.

  • Users define:

    • Min Level: The stock quantity that triggers a replenishment recommendation.

    • Max Level: The upper limit for recommended replenishment quantity.

  • When the stock falls below the Min Level, the system recommends replenishment up to the Min Level (or slightly higher based on case size).

Demand-Driven: This strategy is suitable for items with forecasted demand, uploaded through the Forecasts module, to predict future inventory needs.

  • Users upload demand forecasts in the Forecasts Module.

  • The system calculates replenishment based on daily predicted demand levels.

  • For example, if the forecast indicates 10 apples are required on January 1, the system generates recommendations accordingly.

⚠️ Note:

An item can only have one of the strategies applied to it and can not have both Min-Max or Demand-Driven strategies.

Strategies Page Overview

The Strategies page provides visibility and management options for inventory strategies. It is divided into two main tabs: Min-Max and Demand-Driven, each serving a distinct purpose in inventory planning.

Min-Max Tab

The Min-Max tab displays all items configured under the Min-Max inventory strategy, allowing users to manage stock levels efficiently.

On this page, you can:

  • Search: Locate items by SKU, Material ID, or name.

  • Filters: Narrow down items based on category.

  • Editable Fields: Adjust Min and Max stock levels directly within the table by clicking on the respective cells.

  • Export: Download a CSV file containing Min-Max strategy data for all listed items.

  • Delete: Remove items by selecting checkboxes and clicking Delete.

Demand-Driven Tab

The Demand-Driven tab displays items that are part of an active forecast file uploaded through the Forecasts module. This allows users to manage inventory based on forecasted demand trends rather than static Min-Max levels.

Configuring Min-Max Strategies

Min-Max strategies help manage inventory by setting minimum and maximum stock levels for items. Users can configure Min-Max strategies individually for a single item or in bulk by uploading a CSV file for multiple items and locations.

1. Adding a New Strategy (Individual Item)

To add a Min-Max strategy for a single item, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Strategies > Min-Max and click ”+ Add a New Strategy”.

  2. In the popup window, enter the following details:

    1. Item Type: Select whether the item is a Material or Vendor item.

    2. SKU/Material ID: Enter the item’s unique identifier.

    3. Strategy Type: Choose Min-Max.

    4. Min Level: Set the minimum stock level.

    5. Max Level: Set the maximum stock level.

    6. Measurement Unit (UOM): Select the unit of measure (e.g., EA, LB).

    7. Click Save to create the strategy. It may take a few moments for the new strategy to appear on the list.

This method allows precise control over inventory levels for individual items, ensuring stock availability while preventing overstocking.

2. Importing Min-Max Strategies via CSV file upload (Multiple Items/Locations)

Before uploading, review the Preparing the Min-Max CSV File section to understand the required format and data structure.

Upload the CSV File

  1. Navigate to the Strategies > Min-Max page.

  2. Click Import and either:

    • Drag and drop the CSV file, or

    • Select the file manually from your system.

3. Click Import to upload the item parameters.

✅ Apply the Strategies with Actualization

Once the strategies are added, click the "Actualize" button to generate real-time recommendations based on current inventory levels.

Once the Strategies are Actualized, use the Planning page to review the replenishment calculations.

Preparing the Min-Max CSV file

Ensure your CSV file adheres to the following structure when importing Min-Max strategies. Each row must contain the required fields to define the strategy configuration for each item.

Field Name


SKU/Material ID

Unique identifier for the item. This can be an SKU or Material ID based on the type of item.


The warehouse code/location.

Material ID

The unique identifier for the material item.

If the item does not have a Material ID, leave this field blank.

Strategy Type

The replenishment strategy assigned to the item. For Min-Max strategies, set this to Min-Max.

Min Level

The minimum inventory level that triggers a replenishment recommendation. Must be a non-negative number.

Max Level

The maximum desired inventory level for the item. Must be equal to or greater than the Min Level.


The unit of measure for the item (e.g., EA, LB, CS).

Here is an example of how your CSV file should be structured:

SKU/Material ID




Min level

Max level





































⭐️ Important Validation for CSV:

  • Min level must be a non-negative number.

  • Max level must be greater than or equal to the Min Level.

  • The Strategy Type must always be set to Min-Max for this import.

  • Unit of Measure (UOM):

    • Ensure the UOM matches the defined measurement units for each item (e.g., EA for each, LB for pounds, etc.).

  • Duplicate Item Strategies:

    • The CSV file can contain the same item SKU/Material ID for different StoreLocationId, but not for the same StoreLocationId.

    • Example:
      SKU OG000300204 has a duplicate entry for the same StoreLocationId.

      Importing this file will result in an error, and will not upload the min-max strategy for the SKU. All the other valid entries will be imported successfully.

  • Conflict with Demand-Driven Items:

    • Items already present in the activated forecast files cannot be imported into the Min-Max strategy, and result in an error during the import. Remove these items from the forecast module before importing.

    • Example error:

Downloadable CSV Templates

For ease of use, download the preformatted templates:

Switching Between Demand-Driven and Min-Max Strategies

An item can have only one type of inventory strategy assigned at a time—either Demand-Driven or Min-Max. To switch from one strategy to another, follow these steps:

Switching from Demand-Driven to Min-Max Strategy

  1. Remove the Demand-Driven Strategy

    • Deactivate the Forecast File: Click the actions menu (⋮) next to the file and select Deactivate.

    • Delete the Forecast File: Click the actions menu (⋮) next to the file and select Delete.

    • Verify Removal: Navigate to the Forecasts module and ensure the item is not included in any active forecast file. If necessary, update or deactivate the forecast file.

  2. Assign the Min-Max Strategy

    • Go to the Strategies module and open the Min-Max tab.

    • Locate the item and set Min and Max stock levels.

    • Assign Min-Max Strategy: If the item is not yet assigned a Min-Max strategy, add a new strategy by following the Configuring Min-Max Strategies process.

    • Actualize to apply the changes.

  3. Once assigned, the item will follow the Min-Max strategy instead of demand-based forecasting.

Switching from Min-Max to Demand-Driven Strategy

  1. Remove the Min-Max Strategy

    • Go to the Strategies module and open the Min-Max tab.

    • Locate the item and remove the assigned Min-Max parameters.

    • Delete the Min-Max Strategy to ensure the item is no longer governed by Min-Max stock levels.

    • Actualize to apply the changes.

  2. Assign the Demand-Driven Strategy

    • Navigate to the Forecasts module.

    • Add the item to the forecast file and upload

    • Upload a Forecast File:

      • On the Forecasts page, Click Import and either drag and drop the CSV file or select it manually from your system.

      • Click the Import to upload the file.

      • Once uploaded, the file will have a Not Activated status.

    • Activate the Forecast File:

      • Locate the uploaded file in the Forecast List.

      • Use the actions menu (⋮) and click Activate .

      • The file status will change from Activating to Activated once the process is complete.

    • Actualize the Current Warehouse:

      • After activating the forecast file, click Actualize Current Warehouse at the top of the Forecasts page.

      • This step ensures that the real-time forecast data is applied to the selected warehouse.

    • Once assigned, the item will follow the Demand-Driven strategy instead of Min-Max stock levels.

By following these steps, you ensure that an item always has only one active inventory strategy at a time.

Dynamic Mins and Its Use Case for Demand-Driven Strategy

The Dynamic Mins feature was specifically designed for the use case, where only a Demand-Driven Strategy is used for Replenishment.

Why Dynamic Mins Apply Only to Demand-Driven Strategy

Dynamic minimum levels apply only to the Demand-Driven strategy because they rely on forecasted demand data, which is a core component of demand-driven replenishment. In a demand-driven strategy, sales forecasts dictate inventory targets, allowing the minimum stock level to change dynamically based on expected consumption.

For example:

  • If forecasted demand is low, the minimum stock level can be set lower for a specific day of the week.

  • If demand is high, the minimum stock level will be set higher to accommodate increased consumption.

This flexibility prevents overstocking during slow periods and reduces stockouts during peak periods.

How Min-Max Strategy Differs

In contrast, the Min-Max strategy operates on fixed thresholds:

• A static minimum level (reorder point).

• A maximum level (restock target).

Unlike demand-driven replenishment, Min-Max does not use forecast data. Instead, it reacts to current stock levels, triggering replenishment only when inventory falls below the pre-set minimum.

System Behavior Based on Strategy

  • On the Strategies page, only Min-Max values will be displayed since they are static.

  • Under Replenishment > Item Params, dynamic minimum values will be available only for the Demand-Driven strategy, as this feature is built exclusively for that use case.

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