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Item Parameters

(Version 1.0)

Updated yesterday

What are Item Parameters?

The Item Parameters page in OrderGrid allows users to view and modify item-related parameters used in calculating recommendations for purchase orders (POs). These parameters ensure that POs are aligned with warehouse and client-specific needs.

To access the Item Parameters page, navigate to

☰ > Replenishment > Item Parameters

Navigating the Item Parameters Page

View and Adjust the Items Parameter Table

The Item Parameters table displays item-specific parameters and details for each Item. You can adjust what columns are displayed by clicking the (column adjustment) button on the top right corner Item Parameters screen and selecting or deselecting the needed item parameters.

You can also use the search bar or filters to find items by SKU, name, or category.

How Item Parameters are created?

  • Item parameters are automatically populated when forecast files or strategies modules are activated.

  • Users can also upload any item into the Item Parameters grid regardless of its inclusion in forecast files or strategies.

Item Parameters and Their Purpose

This table covers all item parameters with descriptions to help you understand their purpose in managing inventory and purchase order recommendations.



SKU Number

A unique identifier assigned by the vendor for the product.


Identifier for the storage location where the item is stored. This is the warehouse ID. Example, 101.


Product category within the inventory (e.g., bakery, beverages).

Order Category

A category used for processing orders, separate from inventory categorization.

Cut-off Time

Deadline (in UTC) for same-day order processing. Orders placed after this time are scheduled for the next day.

Stop Ship

Minimum number of days before product expiry to ensure it’s not shipped if too close to expiration.

Order Window

Coverage duration (in days) for a single order cycle.

Min Level

Minimum desired inventory level for the item. When the inventory falls below this level, the system generates a replenishment recommendation.

Case Size

Default quantity for purchase orders(base UOM).

Max Physical Space

Maximum allowable purchase recommendation for demand-based items.

Target Source

Source for replenishment (e.g., Store, Warehouse, or Both).

Supplier Code

Unique identifier for the supplier, often used during integration with Partner Portal.

In integrations with Partner Portal, this parameter is retrieved from the supplier’s catalogue reference during actualization.

UOM (Unit of Measure)

Default unit for purchase orders (e.g., cases, kilograms, or eaches).

Lead Time

Number of days required between placing an order and receiving the items.

Example: Lead Time 3 days. If an order is placed on Monday, the expected delivery date would be Thursday.

In integrations with Partner Portal, this parameter is retrieved from the supplier’s catalogue reference during actualization.

Order Days

Days of the week when suppliers accept orders. Must be entered as comma-separated integers (e.g., 1 for Monday, 7 for Sunday).

Example: Order Days 1,2,3,4,5.

Delivery Days

Days of the week when suppliers deliver orders. Must be entered as comma-separated integers.

Example: If Delivery Days are 2,5 (Tuesday and Friday), and today is Monday, the next delivery day would be Tuesday.


Text description of the item to help identify it in the inventory. (e.g., “Gluten-Free Pizza Crust”).


Name of the supplier providing the item.


General classification of the product, not actively used in system calculations.

Days Forward

Number of additional days included in the purchase order quantity calculation beyond the standard lead time. Example: If Days Forward = 2 and Lead Time = 3, the system calculates for 5 days’ demand.

Days Forward Auto

System-defined adjustment to account for gaps in delivery schedules. The system uses the largest value between Days Forward and Days Forward Auto. Example: If Days Forward = 2 but Days Forward Auto = 3, the system applies 3.


Adjusts planning for warehouses with late delivery times by moving forecast and planning one day earlier. Example: When the offset is enabled, planning for Monday shifts to Sunday.

Maximum Physical Space Adjustment

Limits the number of items stored in the warehouse based on available capacity.

Example: If Max Physical Space = 15 and current stock is 10, the system recommends a maximum of 5 items.

Target Level

Desired inventory level, calculated as: Demand + Safety Stock + Min Level. If the Maximum Physical Space is less than this calculation, the system uses the Maximum Physical Space as the target level.

Set Item Parameters

Item parameters can be set in two places:

Parameter Location


Impact on Replenishment

Inventory > Items

Used for general stock tracking and inventory organization.

These parameters are not actively used for replenishment calculations unless synced.
To make sure this works as intended,

  • Verify that the Item's supplier(partner) has the “Integrated” toggle enabled.

  • Navigate to Parters > Partner List > Partner > check if the toggle is ON.

Replenishment > Item Parameters

Critical for replenishment strategies and PO recommendations.

The Replenishment engine actively considers these parameters when calculating stock levels and ordering needs.

Using the Item Parameters Page

Edit Item Parameters

You can update item parameters in three ways, depending on how many changes you need to make.

  1. Edit a Single Item:

    1. Locate the desired item in the grid.

    2. Click the three dots at the end of the row.

    3. Update the fields in the popup form and save changes.

  2. Bulk Update:

    If you need to update multiple item parameters at once, you have three options:

    1. Change Multiple Items

      1. Select the checkboxes for the items you want to modify.

      2. Click the Change Multiple Items button.

      3. Update the parameters in the popup form and click Save.

    2. Change All Items:

      1. Click the Change All Items button to modify the parameters for all items in the grid.

      2. Use the popup form to update fields such as lead time, cutoff time, and more.

      3. Click Save to apply changes.

    3. Update via CSV file upload:

      1. Export Item Parameters:

        • Click the Export button to download item parameters.

        • Open the file in a spreadsheet tool and make the necessary changes.

      2. Import Updated Item Parameters:

        • Click the Import button and upload the updated XLSX file.

        • Ensure your file format matches system requirements.

        • Click Import to update the data.

Use this preformatted Item Parameter file, remove current data, and replace it with your own. Once completed, click the Import button and upload the file as a .csv. Ensure that all mandatory fields are populated, and the file format adheres to the template provided above.

⚠️ Important Notes:

  • File Validations:

    • Ensure all mandatory fields are completed when importing parameter data.

    • Improper formats will result in upload errors. If errors occur, check the file format and ensure mandatory fields are correctly filled.

  • Impact on Recommendations from Changes in the Item Parameters:

    • Adjustments to item parameters directly influence replenishment recommendations.

    • Example: Increasing Stop Ship days will reduce the recommended order quantity.

Clear All Item Parameters

  1. Click Clear All Items to remove all data from the grid.

  2. Confirm the action to delete all parameters and reset the page.

Template for Importing Item Parameters

SKU Number



Cutoff Time

Lead Time

Stop Ship

Order Days

Delivery Days

Min Level

Case Size

Max Physical Space

Target Source












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