(Stock Keeping Unit) SKU: Your unique, internal item code.
Item: Your item's name.
Warehouse: The OrderGrid warehouse code where the item is located (OG-TOR-01 = OrderGrid Toronto, OG-MIA-01 = OrderGrid Miami, OG-MEX-01 = OrderGrid Mexico City).
Owner: Your company's name.
In Stock: Total quantity of the item at the warehouse.
Committed: Quantity of the item tied to orders in processing, conflict and picking.
Ordered: Quantity of the item that have been purchased and expected to be delivered to the warehouse for stock.
Unit of Measure (UOM): Stands for unit of measure. UOM’s are terms that give meaning to quantities. For our purposes, a unit of measure (UOM) defines the format in which your items are packaged, shipped and sold.
Status: Displays whether your item is available for sale or not.
Actions: Allows you to view item details or activate/deactivate it.
You can also export your inventory as a .csv file or use this icon to toggle visible columns on or off:
Your Inventory Dashboard is a list of all items that are connected to your online stores. Once you add an item to your inventory, it will be visible on this page.
On this page you can...
Search for specific items
Check inventory status
Read this article to learn more about your Inventory Dashboard and its functions.
Navigate to the Inventory module on OrderGrid and select “Inventory” from the drop-down menu.
Toggle "Show Inactive" to see all items in your inventory page .
Toggle "Show 0 Stock" to see only items with 0 stock in your inventory page .
If you need any additional help regarding this topic, please reach out to us at
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