Here's the latest product updates of OrderGrid! Please contact your account manager if you have any questions.
Introducing a new section, "Global", which includes updates for shared aspects of OrderGrid, not specific to Express or DTC.
Skip to Global Changes
Skip to Express Changes
Skip to DTC Changes
Skip to Partner Portal Changes
Skip to Machine Learning Changes
Skip to Bug Fixes
Global Changes:
Global | User Notes |
Redis Library UPDATED | This update was necessary in order to have rate limit working properly. Test regular day to day operations: ex: login, express pick and pack |
Bulk image upload for Inventory items | Bulk image upload for Inventory items |
No Rate Limiting On Resend Code Endpoint | No Rate Limiting On Resend Code Endpoint |
Enable all warehouses by default when Items are uploaded or saved | Enable all warehouses by default when Items are uploaded or saved |
Enable all warehouses by default when Items are uploaded or saved | Enable all warehouses by default when Items are uploaded or saved |
Update Weighted Barcode Format | Update Weighted Barcode Format |
Reporting APIs - Add endDateTime parameter for all Store API Report endpoints | Reporting APIs - Add endDateTime parameter for all Store API Report endpoints |
Reporting APIs - Create GET /report/amended-items endpoint in StoreAPI | Create GET /report/amended-items endpoint in StoreAPI |
No Rate Limiting On Resend Code Endpoint | No Rate Limiting On Resend Code Endpoint |
No rate limit on password reset | No rate limit on password reset |
Enable all warehouses by default when Items are uploaded or saved | Enable all warehouses by default when Items are uploaded or saved |
Optimize and improve Cycle Counts | Performance improvements. |
OG Admin UI Updates | All administrative screens are updated. Testing should first focus on comparing production to release to see if we are missing actions/features |
Introduce Picking Fees Logic in Transaction Logs | Introduce Picking Fees Logic in Transaction Logs |
Filter module visibility per company | OG Admins will "allow" certain modules to be selected at a company-level. This will ensure that clients do not access modules they have not requested. |
Space Optimisation - Add Bin Location to Orders Sold Report | Adding an additional column for the bin location where an item was picked. If there is multiple locations, they will be comma-separated. |
Express Changes:
Express Putaway - Item scan auto increases the quantity from 0 to 1 | Under Warehouse company -> Warehouse -> Settings -> Warehouse settings tab, add a new toggle: "Auto Increment during Putaway" |
Reporting APIs - Optimization of report/express-ops | Optimization of report/express-ops |
Space Optimisation - Add Bin Location to Orders Sold Report | Add Bin Location to Orders Sold Report |
IBM - Validation Checks when Actualizing Files | After Forecast file is actualized, user is displayed a history popup with a history log and SKUs and qtys on the file. There is also a new "View Missing Items" which will be on the actions menu next to a file when Number of Items in Forecast != Number of Items Listed. When clicked, Missings Items will popup an array of SKUs. |
Menu - Item Restrictions | Introduced optional field, Classification, to enable item restrictions. Added on item payload, menu import, and exposed to client API. Restrictions can be edited in the UI within Menu Management |
Forecasting 2.0 | Users can now quickly identify missing SKUs in the forecast file. A missing sku is an item that is listed in the menu but not included in the forecast file at the time that the forecast is uploaded to the system. To accomplish this, we will introduce two columns in the Forecasts tab: Number of Items in Forecast (calculation: number of unique skus in the file) and Number of Items Listed (calculation: number of unique OGs with listing status = ‘Live’ in menu at the time the file is uploaded to the system) |
Fix Supplier Codes for manually re-import and automatic delta import | Fix Supplier Codes for manually re-import and automatic delta import for client. |
MM> Migration to add brand id for existed stores on production | Introduce brandID at the store level |
DTC Changes
Direct to Consumer (DTC) | User Notes |
Allow Manual DTC Orders without a Shopify/Ecommerce store | Allow Manual DTC Orders without a Shopify/Ecommerce store |
Magento Integration - Modification to disregard Length, Width, Height and Weight from Magento Item requests | Magento Integration - Modification to disregard Length, Width, Height and Weight from Magento Item requests |
Magento Integration - Tap Enabled set if Barcode is missing or empty string | Magento Integration - Tap Enabled set if Barcode is missing or empty string |
Magento Integration - Add notes to the Order creation for Priority shipping | Magento Integration - Add notes to the Order creation for Priority shipping |
Magento Integration - Update Inventory Integration to support multiple warehouses | Magento Integration - Update Inventory Integration to support multiple warehouses |
Connect Bulk Picking to Carrier Auto-Selection | In Bulk Packing, clients can select a different carrier per order. |
add/search item by SKU (improvements to multiple pages) | Ability to search items by SKUs on these pages: Sales > Product mapping; Create/edit manual order; Create/edit receiving order |
Partner Portal (PP)
Partner Portal | User Notes |
Show Partner Portal Suppliers in Items Report Supplier UI | Show Partner Portal Suppliers in Items Report Supplier UI |
Show Partner Portal Suppliers in Items Report Supplier UI | Show Partner Portal Suppliers in Items Report Supplier UI |
Supplier portal - Super admin Profile screen | As a Super Admin, I want to see my profile info so I can change it if needed. |
Partner Portal/FEATURE - provide the Cantonese localization | Cantonese localization |
Partner Portal/ Warehouses are not displayed | Populated warehouse list |
Partner Portal/ There is no separation for Product catalog review and Disputes by region | Added region column on Product catalog review and disputes tables. |
PP - migration for the existing Suppliers | Migration work |
Partners/FEATURE - Integrated Partner type checkbox | add boolean to signify whether partner is integrated or not |
Bug Fixes and Other
Bug Fixes and Other | User Notes |
Update DTC Shipping Pricing for DHL US - Hotfix Jan 22nd, 2023 | Update DTC Shipping Pricing for DHL US |
HotFix - report-po API Endpoint to Handle deleted item | HotFix - report-po API Endpoint to Handle deleted item |
HotFix - lot-expiry API Endpoint to Handle deleted item | HotFix - lot-expiry API Endpoint to Handle deleted item |
Hotfix - UPS Shipping Pricing Update | Updated Hawaii and Alaska shipping rate zone. |
Hotfix - Internal Transfer | Products that are not mapped cannot be transferred. |
Partners > type Supplier > contacts & location not updating | Updated UI to display contact and location |
Replenishment: Auto PO was sent to partner without full list of items | Send full list of items |
Space Optimization V1 - Offline Model | machine learning update |
Convert UOMs from EA to CS in Peak Stock Holding Data | machine learning update |