Here's the latest product updates of OrderGrid! Please contact your account manager if you have any questions.
Note, we are changing how we name our releases. Previously, they were 3.11.0, now they will be "311" "312" and so on.
Skip to Global Changes
Skip to Express Changes
Skip to DTC Changes
Skip to Bug Fixes
Global Changes:
Global | User Notes |
Scan and Parse QR Data | Set configuration for QR scans and add the ability to scan QR codes |
Update Search Item to Handle QR Data | Search Items using QR Scan |
Update Order endpoint and Order Report to include the shipped lot code, expiry and quantity for each item | Include Lot and Expiry data in Order endpoint and Order Report via API |
Create GET /move-order to bulk fetch move orders | Ability to Fetch Move Orders |
Create POST /move-order endpoint to create new move orders | Ability to Create Move Orders |
Create PUT /move-order/{orderId}/void to cancel a move order | Ability to Void Move Orders |
Update lane details in GET /order/{orderId} actions | Add Staging Lane details in Order History when querying GET /order/{orderId} |
Introduce Holdstock db field | Introduced a column "hold" on Inventory page which will sum stock quantities where tag status is: hold, damaged, inactive, quanrantined. This stock is not available for fulfillment. |
Reporting APIs Improve Response Time on GET /report/lot-expiry | Improve Response Time on GET /report/lot-expiry |
Items - If Barcode Override enabled, auto populate barcode | If Barcode Override enabled, auto populate barcode with 0s |
Updates to the /report/item to include additional item details | Add new field to the /report/item endpoint |
RV2 Confirm screen - need to fix Tags overflowing and keep user input (Lot/Exp/Qty) if user go back from Confirm screen to Receive to Bin screen. UI Updates in Receiving V2 | UI Updates in Receiving V2 |
Improvements: Checkboxes and select item on Move items screen, update functionality | UI Improvements in Move Item screen |
Add UOM in Scan Tag - Item Summary | Show UOMs in Scan Tag screen |
Improve search item engine for RV2 (Fuzzy search) | Improve Item search capabilities |
Add item type on item imports | Ability to set Item Type in Item file imports |
Implement user check for beta access | User check for Beta access |
Allows to scan any kind of barcodes, altEans, backupEans, not just default barcodes. | Ability to scan Alt EAN and Backup EAN in addition to default item barcodes |
Inventory detail - movement posting | Introduced a new tab on Inventory detail page, movement posting, which will display any record where item is being moved from one tag to another. |
when user clicks forgot pw but SSO is enabled, trigger SSO (TDD req) | If user has SSO enabled and clicks forgot password, they will now be sent an email to use SSO or reset their password with their SSO provider. |
Keep cycle count modal open after item submission | Instead of closing the input modal when the user submits an item, the modal will stay open. |
Cycle Count - update UI to navigate users to scanned bin | When a user scans a bin for a cycle count, they are immediately navigated to that bin in the UI (previously, they had to click the bin as well) |
Cycle Count items are recounted | Users completing a cycle count simultaneously were being routed to bins which were already counted by others. This fix prevents that from happening until the other user cancels their cycle count. |
Cycle Count items should be split by tags | When cycle counting a bin that contains an item with multiple tags, users will now be able to see and update each individual tag and the respective quantity. |
Item Categories are duplicated when using item upload | Fixed a bug where item categories were duplicated when importing items. |
Pagination not working in GET MATERIAL ITEMS endpoing | Pagination fixed in GET Material Items endpoint |
UOM description for non-weighted UOMs | Users will see system-generated UOM Descriptions for EA/CS of weighted items. These are meant to help users understand pack sizes and weight of UOMs in industry-standard notation. |
Warehouses - Added uom label for scan tag and search item | Users will now see the UOM labels besides the quantity fields in the scan tag and search item flows. |
Menu Management (MM) - auto-publishing issue | N/A |
MM - Menu never reverts back to DEFAULT layout | N/A |
MM - Items Data are not imported on MenuItems page due to 400 Error: "Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance" | Users will no longer see "Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance" error when importing menu's item data |
MM - Wrong time period is displayed on MenuItems page after importing Timed Pricing Data | Users will no longer see inconsistent times after importing timed pricing data |
MM - Wrong menu generated after reconnecting store to layout | Users will see the correct menu connected to a store, and not more than one menu connected to a store for any given time |
MM - Regeneration issues after manually create/duplicate and delete Layout | Users will no longer see the priced data impacted after deleting timed layouts |
MM - Redundant menu items request on MenuItems | N/A |
MM - errors in console on Layot page: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')" and "SyntaxError: "undefined" is not valid JSON" | N/A |
MM - Unable to import items if the photo link is "" (due to 403 error) | N/A |
MM - PM2 errors: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'categories') | N/A |
MM - Timed Pricing User Generated Category Layout not maintained | Users will see all category order changes persist after saving layout changes |
Replenishment - Show qty values in base weighted UOM if forecast in CS | N/A |
Replenishment - Process forecast import errors | Users will see errors found while importing a forecast file in the UI |
Weighted Items - Show values and labels in weighted UOM for Replenishment | Users will now see the UOM tag everywhere in the Replenishment module (ie grams, EA, etc.) |
Replenishment - Add correct partner on the recommendations page | Users wil now see the Partner connected to a purchase recommendation |
Item - Show partners with 'vendor' type on item detail page | Users can now set a vendor as a partner in item set-up |
Add UOMs to Cycle Counts | Users completing cycle counts will now see the UOM labels besides the quantities displayed |
Express Changes:
Express | User Notes |
Scan QR Data for confirming the item during Item Pick Flow | QR Scan to confirm item picks |
Record Lot and Expiry of items during Pack Flow | Record Lot and Expiry during Packing |
Scan Tag for Pick Cart/Bin should show the Lot and Expiry of Items contained in the bin | Show Lot and Expiry of items when scanning Pick Cart/Bin |
RO Claim Form updates | Instead of requiring claim forms per warehouse, this is now set per supplier on the client view. |
DTC Changes:
DTC | User Notes |
Shipment Data Validation for Manual Edit Orders | Edit DTC Orders via UI - Update Data Validations |
Ignore shopify orders from countries | If client does not want to fulfill orders from specific countries, do not show these orders on the orders list. |
Improvement: persist image captures on create/edit UNL | Storing Images in Unloading |
Improvement: wrap text on select UNL # dropdown | Unloading dropdown selector - UI Improvements |
Display store name on Pack Screen | On DTC Packing screen, you will now see the order's store name. |
Order Returns issue - cannot return 1 out of 2 items on order | Fixed error during Order Return putaway which required user to scan both Good bin and Damaged bin but had only one damaged item to putaway. |
Move order - FEFO items selection [backend] | Given a material ID requested in a move order, OG will perform FEFO accross all mapped vendor items to select the optimal candidate |
Move order - Start picking endpoint [backend] | N/A |
Move order - Short pick endpoint [backend] | N/A |
Move order - Pick items endpoint [backend] | N/A |
Move order - Finish picking endpoint [backend] | N/A |
Move order -Iinventory commitment [backend] | Inventory will be committed when the pick list is generated for the first time, and when the user chooses to re-sync a move order. |
Move Order - Pick list screen [UI] | Users will be presented with the optimal location and vendor items to pick items from. Users can add their desired picking stops in this screen. |
Move Order - Move order screen UI | Users will be presented with the product, qty, UOM and location to pick from. |
Move Order - Order Summary screen [UI] | Users will be presented with all actions taken during the pick trip (after picking has been completed), before proceeding to drop off items in staging/final destination. |
Move Order - Selected tags&Scan Drop Off screens [UI] | Users will be prompted to scan the picking cart tag, and the drop-off destination (staging or final). |
Move Order - Select Order page [UI] | Users will be presented with the optimal location and vendor items to pick items from. Users can add their desired picking stops in this screen. |
Move Order - Pick list summary screen [UI] | Users will be presented with all product picks added to the pick list, before proceeding to start picking. |
Move Order - Introduce Optional Bin Alias | Users can now add an optional description to a bin location, so that final destinations are easier to location while dropping off Move Orders. |
Create a new Move Order Section (UI) and Permissions | Users will find Move Order under the Warehouses Module in WH-Side of the application. |
Vendor Integration | N/A |
Receiving Orders - Delivery/create dates are wrong in Receiving Orders list page | Users will now see corrected order and delivery dates in the Receiving Orders page |
Receiving Orders - Add the UOM column on View order page | In-app POs will now display the UOM tag when viewing or printing the PO. |
Receiving Order - Incorrect convertion for weighted items after generation RO from Replenishment (big numbers) | N/A |
Bug Fixes and Other:
Bug Fixes and Other | User Notes |
Bug: Pick Trip Report | Pick Trip Report Bug Fix |
Hotfix: Item CSV export error | Item Export File Bug Fix |
Issue scanning item on Receive to Bin screen RV2 | Scan Item in the Receive to Bin screen in Receiving V2 - Bug Fix |
Create PO for partner with supplier type (non-integrated) Bugs while creating POs with non-integrated suppliers addressed |
Hotfix - barcode override after delta import from integrations | Fixed barcode toggle turning off for items that would come through the delta import |
There is no error "Missing required fields" | N/A |
Add searching by Material item names and Material item IDs | N/A |
EA deletes from the item after delta import | N/A |
Add convertation to minimal units from back for EA | N/A |
Incorrect ordered value from back | N/A |
Post media carrier error during packing: “invalid value “undefined” for header “x-api-key”" | Updated API key |
hotfix: Login errors | Display confirmation when user accepts invitation. "Invitation accepted" |