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(Version 1.0)

Updated over 8 months ago

What is Return?

When an order is returned to the warehouse, the items must be returned to the inventory. A dedicated module under Warehouses is available to manage pending returns that have not yet been restocked.

To perform a Return, navigate to

☰ > Warehouses > Returns

On the returns page, you can start a new return or complete the return that is in progress.

Start a Return

Navigate to the Returns page and select Find Order from the tabs at the top of the screen. Locate the return by scanning the carrier tracking number or entering the OrderGrid/Client order number.

🪜 Follow the Steps:

  1. Initiate the return by selecting the return initiation source from:

    1. Carrier

    2. OG Client

    3. Customer

  2. If you choose Carrier or OG Client, select the return reason from:

    1. Address not found.

    2. Customs information incomplete.

    3. Return to sender.

    4. Redirect to warehouse.

    5. Incorrect address.

    6. Unclaimed.

    7. Refused.

    8. Cancelled.

    9. Other.

      Note: If you choose 'Customer' as a return initian source, 
      you will not be prompted to choose the return reason.

  3. In the next step, select the Condition of the items by choosing Good or Damaged. If the item is in Good Condition, follow steps 4, 5, and 6. If the item is in Damaged Condition, follow the steps below in the Damaged Item section.

  4. Next in the Return Qty, add the quantity being returned.

  5. Click the Action Return item .

  6. Next, click on Complete return .

  7. Next, you'll be prompted to Scan the items into bins. You can scan the Receiving bin or enter the bin number without dashes.

  8. Once the bin is scanned, there will be pop up notification in the top right corner, Successfully completed return inspection step.

💡Tip: If all the items in the return order are in Good Condition, you can click

Return All as Good button, and skip steps 3 to 5 from above.

Damaged Item:

  1. Choose condition Damaged.

  2. In the Return Qty, add the quantity being returned.

  3. Click the Action Return item .

  4. On the Return Items popup, add a photo of the damaged item by uploading a picture from the device photo library or clicking the Camera 📸 icon.

  5. Select the Return Reason from the dropdown.

  6. Click Confirm and follow the steps 6 to 8 from the Start a Return section.

Edit the Return

While the return is in process, you can edit the return order.

🪜 Follow the Steps:

  1. Navigate to the Returns page and select Returns in Process from the tabs at the top of the screen.

  2. You can find the order using the Search bar and filtering by Item Conditions and Client.

  3. On the order row, click Action ( ⋮ three-dot icon ) and Edit return Order .

  4. Here, a window will pop up to update the Return Initiation Source and Return Reason. Once, updated click Continue .

  5. Next, Confirm to continue editing the return.

    Note: editing the return initiation source will erase 
    all progress made on the return.
  6. Finally, follow the return process from the Start a Return section and Complete the Return.

Complete the Return

On the return page, choose Returns in Process from the tabs on the screen, and search for the order in the search bar.

🪜 Follow the Steps:

  1. Click Putaway on the order in the list.

  2. Scan the Receiving Bin again, to confirm the bin. Then, you will be redirected to create a new receiving with the items being returned.

    1. On the New Receiving page, you can verify the order and item information under Orders tab.

    2. Under the Details tab, you can add any notes for the receiving.

  3. Finally, click Save and complete the receiving.

  4. The complete receiving information will be populated on the page. Using the Print button, you can print out the receiving information if required.

🎉 Congratulations on learning how to use Return! 👏

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