What Is Items Module?
The Items Module in OrderGrid is the central location for managing all your inventory items. This module allows you to create, edit, and configure inventory items to streamline warehouse operations, including receiving, picking, and stock adjustments. All items must be configured in the Inventory > Items Module before being utilized across different warehouses or stores within the system.
To access Items, navigate to
☰ > Inventory > Items
Create Items
In the OrderGrid app, you can create an item using the app interface or ingest item data via Open API into the OrderGrid system:
Using the app interface:
Manual Item Creation(Single Item): This allows you to create a single item at a time.
Bulk Items upload using CSV file: This allows you to create multiple items at once.
Using the Open API:
Create Items via API: This works by sending the item data into the OrderGrid platform from your third-party application.
Before creating items, you can configure the following item settings, which will be used during the items creation process. By default, there are some configuration options already added to get you started.
To configure the items settings, navigate to ☰ > Inventory > Settings
UOM: Defines various units of measure for the items.
Default UOM options:
Categories: Define categories for organizational grouping.
Default Category options:
Brands: Pre-configure brand names for easy selection.
Default Brand options:
My Brand
Item Tags: Create tags for filtering items.
Default Item Tag options:
My Tag
Item Types: Establish item types to define usage.
Default Item Type Options:
Shipping Box
Manual Item Creation(Single Item):
To create a new manual item in OrderGrid, follow these steps 🪜:
⚠️ Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
On the Items page, click
+ New Item
.On the New Item form > General tab, add the item's detail under the Main Item information section:
HS Code: Harmonized System (HS) codes are commonly used throughout the import and export process for the classification of goods. This information is required if the item will be processed for an order that is crossing international borders.
Item Name*: Enter the item name (e.g., "Organic Apples").
Brand*: Select the associated brand.
SKU: A stock-keeping unit used for tracking inventory. You can leave this field blank if you do not have an SKU for the item. Once the item is created, an OG Code will automatically be assigned to the SKU.
An OG Code is a unique item identification number assigned to any item that is created.
Category*: Choose the category for organizational grouping.
Tags: Use Item tags to label items for better filtering.
Type*: Select the item type for the item's usage in the warehouse (e.g., Product, Filler, Insert).
Lot Type*: Choose tracking type:
Lot and Expiry: Track both lot codes and expiry dates.
Expiry Only: Track only expiry dates.
Lot Only: Track only lot codes.
N/A: No lot or expiry tracking.
Temp Type: Select Items Storage temperature type (e.g., Ambient, Chilled, Frozen).
Controlled Product: Toggle if specific handling regulations apply.
VAT: Specify if the product is VAT applicable.
Additional Item specific configuration:
Material: Toggle ON, if the item is material. This will require the Material Cost and Material Price added to the Material section.
Pre-packaged weighted: Toggle On, if the item is pre-packaged and weighted. This will require the weighted item unit and estimated item weight added to the Weighted section.
Serial Number: Toggle ON, if the item has serial number. This will require a Serial number format to be added for the items.
Security Seal: Toggle ON, if the item has a security seal. This will require a Security seal format to be added for the item.
Unpurchasable: Toggle ON, if you want to make the item unavailable for purchasing.
Customs Information:
Manufacturing Country: Select the item's country of origin.
Customs Description*: Brief description for customs.
UOMs: In this section, you can create multiple different units of measures, in which you will be purchasing, receiving and processing the items for fulfillment.
By default, the smallest base UOM EA is added to the item, which contains the following details:
Barcode: 000000000000
Backup Ean: 000000000000
Case qty: 1. This case quantity cannot be modified on the default UOM.
Weight, g*: 1
Empty case weight, g*: 1
Width, cm*: 1
Lenght, cm*: 1
Height, cm*: 1
Purchase Default: Toggle ON.
Pick by: Toggle OFF
You can adjust the default EA UOM as per your need, or add any additional UOMs by clicking
Planning: Set up inventory planning details. By default, you can leave the value to 0 in the required fields if you won't be using this feature.
Lead Time*: Days needed to replenish the item.
Min Level*: Minimum stock level to trigger reorder.
Min Order*: Minimum quantity required for a restock order.
Stop Ship(days)*: Stop Ship prevents items from being picked if they are within a restricted buffer period(stop ship days) before expiry. The system ensures items are picked only if the picking date is earlier or equal to the expiry date minus the Stop Ship period.
Min Shelf Life: Defines minimum remaining shelf life for perishable items.
Partner: Assigns item to a supplier or distributor. This is required for creating a Purchase order.
Save the Item:
After filling in the required fields, click Save to complete creating an item. A confirmation message will appear when the item is successfully created.
For any items:
At least one UOM must have the case quantity = 1
At least UOM must be selected as purchase default.
Bulk Item upload using a CSV file
You can import multiple items at once using the CSV import feature. To ensure a smooth import process, use the provided templates to prepare your CSV file.
Item Import Template - Contains detailed instructions on required fields and proper data formatting.
Item Import Sample - A ready-to-use template where you can input item data directly into the rows.
Download and complete the appropriate template before proceeding with the import process.
To import items using a CSV file, follow these steps:
Navigate to Inventory > Items and click Import Items.
On the Import Items Sources screen, select Excel from the integration list.
Upload your prepared CSV file in one of the following ways:
Drag and drop the file into the upload box.
Click inside the upload area to browse and select the file from your system.
On the Catalog Items Import screen:
Select individual items to import by checking the boxes next to them.
To import all items, click Select all items.
Click Import Items to begin the import process. The status of each item will change from New to Imported once successfully processed.
If any items fail to import, they will be listed in the CSV import results along with specific error messages.
To resolve errors, update the CSV file accordingly and retry the import.
Item Import via API
If you're managing inventory through external platforms, OrderGrid provides API-based imports for seamless item synchronization. This method eliminates manual uploads by directly syncing item data from connected applications.
Test Item Import via API
To test how item import works using the OrderGrid API on SwaggerHub, follow these steps:
Access the API Documentation
Open the OrderGrid API Documentation on SwaggerHub.
Make sure you have the correct server selected for the environment where you are doing the test.
Production environment: https://api.ordergrid.com/storeapi/v1 - Production
Staging environment: https://stagingapi.ordergrid.com/storeapi/v1 - Staging
Locate the Supplier Items Section
Scroll down to the Supplier Items section to find the relevant API endpoints.
Find the POST/item endpoint, which allows you to create new items via API.
Authenticate Using Your API Key
Obtain your API key from ≡ > Settings > API Keys in OrderGrid app.
Use this key in the
field to authenticate API requests.
Initiate a POST Request to
endpointIn the API documentation, locate the POST /item endpoint under Supplier Items.
Click Try it out to open the API request form.
Input the Item Data
Structure your item data using the provided example format in the API documentation.
Replace the example values with your specific item details.
Execute the Request
Click Execute to send the data to the API.
Monitor the Server Response to confirm if the import was successful.
Verify the Import
Navigate to Inventory > Items in OrderGrid to confirm that the imported items are displayed correctly.
For further assistance, refer to the API documentation or contact support.
Sample Payload for API Import
Sample Payload for API Import
"data": [
"sku": "13264767",
"gridCode": "OG000300201",
"name": "Basic Wireless Earbuds",
"description": "High-quality wireless earbuds",
"manufactureCountry": "CA",
"isMaterial": false,
"tempType": "ambient",
"controlledProduct": false,
"isSet": false,
"isWeighted": false,
"isRawWeighted": false,
"planning": {
"leadTime": 2,
"minLevel": 5,
"minOrder": 10,
"stopShip": 0,
"maxQty": 100
"active": true,
"lotType": "Lot and Expiry", //"Lot Only"
"weighted": {},
"brand": "My Brand",
"category": "Default",
"type": "Product",
"tags": ["My Tag"],
"isUnpurchasable": false,
"UOMs": [
"packCode": "EA",
"packSize": 1,
"barcode": "110000300201",
"altEans": null,
"backupEan": "110000300202",
"width": 5,
"length": 5,
"height": 3,
"weight": 0.2,
"emptyCaseWeight": 0.2,
"purchaseDefault": true,
"menuDefault": false,
"pickBy": false,
"isRawWeighted": false,
"currency": "CAD",
"price": 89.99
"partner": "GP5026",
"partnerName": "ElectronicsSupplier"
Once items are created, navigate to Inventory > Items > Click directly on the item to manage or change individual items.
Weighted UOMs (Units of Measure)
Rescale Raw Weighted Item
The Rescale Base UOM feature allows you to set a primary weight-based unit of measure (UOM) for items that require accurate weight tracking, such as raw or weight-sensitive goods. Enabling this feature ensures that weight measurements remain consistent across inventory operations.
Steps to Configure Rescale Base UOM
Enable Rescale Raw Weighted Item:
Toggle on Rescale Raw Weighted Item within the item’s settings. This will open the Rescale Base UOM form for configuration.
Select the Measurement Type:
Choose from measurement types like Metric Unit of Mass, Non Metric Unit of Mass, Metric Unit of Liquid, or Non Metric Unit of Liquid. For example, selecting "Non-Metric Unit of Mass" will display specific units relevant to that type, such as "oz" or "lb."
Select the Base UOM:
After choosing the measurement type, select the desired unit (e.g., "oz" or "lb") as the primary weight-based UOM for this item.
Define Quantity in Base UOM:
Enter the quantity within the selected base UOM to set the standard weight measurement for this item.
Review Existing UOMs:
The form will show any current UOMs that will be rescaled according to the selected base UOM. This ensures compatibility with other UOMs already applied to the item.
Confirm the Selection:
Click Confirm to lock in the base UOM settings.
⚠️ Note:
The selected weighted UOM cannot be changed once set.