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Scan Tag

(Version 1.0)

Updated over 9 months ago

What is a Scan Tag?

The scan tag allows users to view the inventory on the tag, update stock, update lot, move items from the tag, and move tag to another bin.

To access Scan Tag, navigate to

☰ > Warehouses > Scan Tag


☰ > Express > Scan Tag

Note: Depending on how the OrderGrid software is configured for your account, you will have one of the above options to access this feature.

Using the Scan Tag

You can use the Scan Tag by scanning the tag or bin barcode to view the tag or the bin with the tags it consists of. You can also pull up the tag by typing in the tag number (i.e. TAG000001234) or typing in the bin number without dashes (i.e. BIN 10-10-00-00-01, will be 1010000001).

View the Items on a Tag

To view the items on a tag, follow the steps 🪜:

  • Scan the tag on your device or type in the tag number.

  • Click the Item Summary.

  • You will be able to see all the items that are stored on the tag, with individual item details such as Name, SKUs, OG code, Lot, Expiry, and InStock values (stock on the tag you are viewing).

  • Next, click VIEW ITME . You will be able to see the total InStock value for the item on top.

  • Under the Locations tab, view the item's data such as other locations (bins and tags) for the items, lot and expiry details of item stored in each location, as well as InStock value.

  • Under the details tab, view the UOM and barcode information of the item.

  • Lastly, on the posting tab, view the inventory posting data.

Update Stock

To update the stock on a tag, follow the steps 🪜:

  1. Click Update Stock icon on the top.

  2. Select the item you wish to update stock for from the list.

  3. Add quantity that you want to update to.

  4. If you are making a Receiving Adjustment select the checkbox ✅ and a drop-down will appear with the related receivings to that item. Select the correct receiving. If you are not making a receiving adjustment, leave the checkbox, and skip to step no. 5.

  5. Select the Reason Code from the dropdown.

  6. Please add any notes if needed.

⚠️ Note:

  • When making a receiving adjustment, the received quantity can only be deducted.

For example: If the inStock quantity on the tag is 20 ea, you will not be able to adjust qty to 20 ea or more.

Additionally, you can only do the receiving adjustment for the quantity that has been received on the receiving. In such case, you will get an error: Adjustment quantity exceeds received quantity when you try to adjust more quantity than the received quantity on the receiving order.

Update Lot

To update the lot and expiry of the item stock on a tag, follow the steps 🪜:

  1. Scan the tag using the Scan Tag.

  2. Click Update Lot .

  3. Select the item you wish to update the lot for from the list.

  4. Under the Lot Code drop-down, select the current lot code of the item, select N/A, or type in a new lot code. If no change is required for the lot code, skip to the next step.

    Note: You can only select N/A if the item is set up to have No lot code & Expiry or No Lot code.In such case, the lot code input box will have RED outline around the input field.

  5. Under the Expiry Date, update the date you wish to change to. If no change is needed for the expiry date, skip to the next step.

  6. Select the Reason Code from the drop-down, that applies to the change you are making. Please note that this is a mandatory field.

  7. Next, any notes if required. Please note that this field is disabled by default. To add a note, uncheck the ☐ N/A check mark and add any notes on the text input field above.

  8. Next, click Confirm .

  9. On the next page, you will verify the lot and expiry information that is being changed.

  10. Finally, to make the change click Confirm .

Move Item

To move the item from one tag to another, follow the steps 🪜:

  1. Scan the tag using the Scan Tag.

  2. Click Move Item .

  3. Select any items from the list you want to move. You can also click Select All Items to select every item in the list.

  4. Next, click Move Items .

  5. On the next screen, you can scan a tag or a bin to which you want to move the items. If you scan a bin, a list of tags will be displayed that you can click and choose to move the items to.

  6. Next, add the item quantity that you would like to move by clicking + icon or entering the number.

    Note: Based on the items setup, you will have options to add the quantity, with different UOMs(Unit of Measure).

  7. Click Select Bin .

  8. Finally, to move the items to select bin and tag, click Confirm .

Move Tag

To move the tag from one bin to another, follow the steps 🪜:

  1. Scan the tag using the Scan Tag.

  2. Click Move Tag .

  3. Scan the Bin that you would like to move the tag to. You can also type in the Bin number without dashes (i.e. BIN 10-10-00-00-01, will be 1010000001).

  4. Click Select Bin .

  5. Click Confirm to move the tag.

⚠️ Note: You can not move the tag with the type bin.

🎉 Congratulations on learning how to use Scan Tag! 👏

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